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        Анатолий Михайлович Шутко

Советник, д.т.н., профессор
Лаборатория многоканальных исследований и моделирования окружающей среды

Curriculum Vitae

(1) Full Name: SHUTKO (CHOUTKO) Anatoly Michailovich (Mikhailovich)

(2) Day, Month, Year, and Place of Birth: 25 February, 1939, Moscow, USSR

(3) Address, Tel., FAX, E-mail:
Russia,141190, Moscow Region, Friazino, 1 Vvedenskij Square,
Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Tel.: (7-496)565-2633, 565-2656 (office),
FAX: (7-495) 203-8414 (office), (7-496) 564-9060 (home),
E-mail: ashutko@ms.ire.rssi.ru

(4) Education:
a) undergraduate:
1961: graduated from the Electrotechnical Institute of Communication as an Engineer of Radio Communication, City of Odessa;
b) graduate:
1967: Degree of Master of Science, Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow;
1975: Degree of Senior Research Fellow Ц Professor, Institute of Radioegineering and Electronics, USSR Academy of Sciences, Friazino, Moscow Region;
1987: Ph.D. Degree (Full Doctor of Technical Sciences), Institute of Radiongineering and Electronics, USSR Academy of Sciences, Friazino, Moscow Region. Title of doctoral thesis is УMicrowave Radiometry of Water Surface and Soils/Grounds Under the Conditions of MoisteningФ. 1997: Degree of Full Professor, Institute of Radioegineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Friazino, Moscow Region.

(5) Employment:
(A) Since 1964 till present he has been with the Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics, USSR/Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow and City of Friazino (see affiliation above):
1990 - present: Chief, laboratory of Multispectral Remote Sensing Studies of the Environment;
1967 - 1990: Junior Scientist, Senior Scientist, Principal Investigator, Head of Remote Sensing Group;
1964 - 1967: Postgraduate student, Junior Scientist.
(B) 1961 - 1963: Radio Engineer, Electrotechnical Institute of Communication, City of Odessa.

(6) Special Engagements:
1989: participation in the U.S. Congress Hearings on Space Research, Washington, D.C., USA;
1983: participation in the Study Week on УRemote Sensing and Its Impact on Developing CountriesФ; giving a presentation and having talks to His Holiness, Pope John Paul II. Pontifical Academy of Sciences, City of Vatican.

(7) The Main Areas of Activity are as follows:
- Research and development in remote sensing of the environmental objects, soils, vegetation, wetland areas, oceans, seas, lakes, inland waters, first of all by means of microwave radiometry with a due regard for the data measured at the infrared and optical wavelengths;
- Elaboration of the remote sensing technologies for quantitative estimation of a soil moisture, depth to a shallow water table, the index of soil dryness, biomass of vegetation, updating the contours of wetlands, determination of a water surface temperature, salinity, general mineralization;
- Developing approach for utilization of microwave radiometers in geoecology and epidemiology for more direct, comparable with infrared sensors, determination of a soil moisture and other moisture related parameters which serve as the important background information for a risk of different diseases assessment;
- Understanding synergism; developing approaches for land/canopy and water/canopy systems classification by using microwave, infrared, and optical sensors; understanding and utilizing the interconnection between the environmental objects of different types by using remote sensing technologies;
- Developing concepts and structure of Geoinformation Monitoring System (GIMS) for different applications. The GIMS approach is based on a joint use of the remotely sensed data, in situ measurements, prior knowledge-based information, data banks, GIS and the mathematical models of spatial-temporal variations of physical and chemical parameters of the natural objects;
- Developing ways for practical application of the technologies worked out in agriculture, land reclamation, hydrology, ecology and in many other areas; data collection and processing; interpretation and thematic mapping;
- Participation in the Spacecraft PRIRODA-MIR International Project; Developing joint (with the institutions in Russia, USA, Bulgaria, Ukraine) programs on the scientific utilization of microwave radiometric data or/and multispectral data (microwave, infrared, optical);
- Developing proposals on Earth Research from the International Space Station УAlphaФ.

(8) Consulting and Practical Experience is as follows:
- Chief, PI or member of a number of National and International Research Projects and/or Campaigns on conducting Remote Sensing observations from the aircraft and satellites in former Soviet Union, recent CIS countries (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine), in Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Vietnam, Cuba, Italy (with IROE-CNR), USA (with the USDA-BARC, NASA-GSFC, LSU, National Wetlands Research Center);

(9) Professional Achievements:
Author or co-author of more than 200 publications and presentations
a) in Soviet and International magazines, among them such as:
- Soviet Journal of Remote Sensing,
- Radioengineering and Electronics,
- IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
- IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering,
- Acta Astronautica,
- Advances in Space Research,
- International Journal of Remote Sensing,
- Agricultural Research,
- Bulletin of American Meteorological Society and others,
b) at the Symposia and Meetings, among those were such as:
Author and co-author of 11 InventorТs Certificates (Patents, Copyrights).
Author of monograph УMicrowave Radiometry of Water Surface and Soils/GroundsФ, Moscow, Nauka/Science Publishing House, 1986 (English translation - 1989),
and an author of Chapters in 2 books and co-author of 3 review books on the problems of Remote Sensing.

(10) Grants, Awards and Honorary Titles:
2002: The ISTC/Japan Grant on the УScreening effect of vegetation in active (SAR) and passive (Radiometric) remote sensing of the EarthТs covers and in radio-communication in UHF-, VHF-, and Microwave (N-, C-, S-, L-, and P-) bandsФ; 2000: Best Poster Award at the IntТl Conference УEUSAR-2000Ф, Munich, Germany; 1997 - 1998: Grant of Russian Fund for Fundamental Research for the Project entitled: УGeoecological and Epidemiological Mapping (Land Classification) By Using Remote AeroSpace MeansФ;
1996 - 1997: NASA Grant, similar Project;
1988: Honorary Mark of the Northern Regions Center, Japan;
1986: Honorary Medal of His Holiness, Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Vatican;
1983: USSR State Prize Laureate, USSR Government, Moscow;
1976 - 1985: 2 Gold, 2 Silver, 3 Bronze Medals and Diploma, USSR Exhibition of Economy Achievements.

(11) Academic Honors:
a) Member, Electromagnetics Academy, USA, MIT;
b) Corresponding Member and Advisor, Ukrainian Academy of Ecology, Ukraine;
c) Member, Balkan Academy of Science, New Culture and Sustainable Development, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2001;
d) He is in BARONS WHOТS WHO, УThe Global 500: Leaders For the New CenturyФ, 2001.

(12) Membership in Learned or Professional Societies:
1997 - present: Chair, Russia Chapter of IEEE, Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Moscow, Russia;
1996 - present: Member, Association of Bulgarian Ecologists (ABECOL), Sofia, Bulgaria;
2000-present: Honorary Advisory Council Member, Ansted University, British Virginia Islands, Malaysia-United Kingdom.

(13) Citizenship: Russian Federation

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